As a genealogist being obsessed with dates comes with the territory to the point that you’re probably better asking me the date of birth of a 2x great-grandparent rather than when my next dentist appointment is!
9th August 2019 is a date that will certainly live long in the memory. It was the day that I announced Oracle Genealogy to the world. I remember feeling a combination of excitement and nerves (goodness knows where the adventure would lead!). It’s fair to say there have been plenty of skeletons, scandals and scoundrels along the way! I’m very thankful to those who have allowed me to research their family tree!
I’m going to admit I didn’t know if Oracle Genealogy was going see its 4th anniversary. It had got to a point where I was so burnt out, I wasn’t sure if the genealogical spark was going to burn again and that was breaking my heart. I’ve never made any bones about the fact how much this business means to me and not having genealogy in my life didn’t, and still doesn’t, bear thinking about.
First mention must go to my family who have put up with my personal obsession for the past 12 years whether that was grave hunting in the hills of Donegal or taking off to spend time in an archive. I must particularly mention my younger sibling whose sarcasm and witty humour has got me through many a day!
A mention must also go to the staff at the Tower Museum who I’m still keeping in touch with and have been very supportive since day one. I promise I will come to visit you all soon!! Thanks must also go to Stripy Paint who was part of this project from the beginning and keeps the website functioning as it should!
I want to also give a mention to my grandparents who were there when I first embarked on my genealogical journey but sadly are no longer here. There is no truer saying that when an older person dies a library burns down.
Tom, you never got to see Oracle Genealogy come into being but I hope you’d be proud. You’d have insisted on wanting to keep my accounts in order and I'd have had to gently tell you no. I remember debating over making a particular decision and you just simply said to me “what have you got to lose”. Maybe I should go by that mantra more often!
To Granny, you were there for the first three years of this business and always took an interest in what stories I’d discovered. When your memory was no longer what it was, the family tree was the best tool to stay connected. It still makes me laugh when I think about how you’d go around telling complete strangers that you were related to either someone famous or royalty.
Granda, the man, the myth, the legend. My rock, my hero. You left five months before Oracle Genealogy was launched. I miss seeing the glint in your eye when I’d come in and tell you what I'd discovered on the family tree or what hair brain scheme I was planning next. If I ever needed your help nothing was ever a bother. You were as happy helping me locate graveyards in the middle of the countryside. I hope you’d be proud of your “wee Shanny”
One final mention I feel should go to someone whose company has been incredibly valuable this past year between one life event and another. How they’ve endure my genealogical ramblings and library/archive excursions in the short time we’ve known each other I really don’t know. I once said if not for the people around me I’d explode and they’re definitely one of those people! I can never say it enough!
Here's to another year, whatever it may bring! :-)